Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 16
Past Shows

VCF Midwest Retrospectives Playlist

VCFMW16 (2021)
jns's pics
Jim64's gallery
djabacus's Twitter pics thread
Cenbe's photo page
Joe_Z's pics
Mike Loewen's gallery
Ron McAdams's free Patreon photos
Paradroyd's gallery
Jon's Imgur set
Jess Peterson's photos
Sage's thread of photo threads

The VCF Midwest 16 YouTube Playlist
VCFMW16 YouTubers Discussion Panel
Patrick Finnegan's Televideo Talk
Time-lapse video of the whole weekend (very cool!)
We were honored to be LGR's first in-person event
And LGR's brother chronicles the journey
Ron's Computer Videos Vendor Area Walk-Through and Post-Show Roundtable
Super Mole Retro's Video Tour of setup night plus the big line for the auction
Dr Dave shows us his favorite things at VCFMW16 and takes a look at a PDP-11/23 running version 6 UNIX
RetroTech Chris tells us what he saw at the show
Mac84's first visit to VCF Midwest
Jon's Tech Channel shows us his VCFMW16 haul
Computer Hobbyists' review of the show
The insane Freespin demo performed live on the C64

V-VCFMW15 (2020)
Virtual VCF Midwest 15 YouTube Playlist

VCFMW/ECCC14 (2019)
RETRO Innovations' pics
Cenbe's pics page
Gozar's gallery and annotated tour
jns's photos
Ashley Whitney's pics
Paradroyd's gallery
JoeZ's pics of the Death Star animation PDP-11
Jim 64's photos
Mr Argent's album
Mr Transistor's photo page
Vikram's gallery
And more from Vikram's Sony Mavica
Avery G's Google Drive folder
And a few pics from Silent700

VCFMW 14 Load-in time lapse video
Robin from 8-Bit Show and Tell'srecap video
Computer Clan's video tour of VCFMW 14
Stevie Strow's video playlist
CoCoTalk's recorded livestream
RyanKitty's VCFMW14 Slideshow Video
Avery's very cool Super-8 transfer

VCFMW/ECCC13 (2018)
TangetDelta's pics
ShadowM's pics
Bob Ka'pla's pics (Facebook login required)
Gozar's gallery
Bill Degnan's pics and blog post
Jim Brain's Facebook photos
Mike Loewen's pics
Vikram's gallery
Jim64's pics

A Youtube playlist of VCFMW13 presentations.
A short clip from Bill Degnan

VCFMW/ECCC12 (2017)
Trixter's pics
PhreakShowTelco's pics
MoparStephen's pics
Rory McMahon's pics (Facebook login required)
Dan Hevey's pics
ShadowM's pics
Josh Bensadon's pics
SuperVpower's pics
JBevren's pics
Nico Gold's pics
Kyle Owen's pics
Bryce Wilson's pics
Silent700's gallery
Silent700's panoramic photos

Jim64's demo of his VR64 project
Vector108's compilation of clips
Youtuuba's Slideshow
Chanh Tang's Video tour
Avery Grade's Retro SVHS Video tour

VCFMW/ECCC11 (2016
Chris537's pics (Facebook login required)
Bob Kaplow's pics (Facebook login required)
Rory McMahon's pics (Facebook login required)
Pat Finnegan's pics (Facebook login required)
Jorg Hoppe's pics
ShadowM's pics
JBevren's pics
Mike Loewen's pics
Dan Hevey's pics
Dave Ruske's pics
Josh Bensadon's pics
Simon Wells's pics
Jess Petersen's pics
Joshua Conboy's pics (Facebook login required)
Hokuloa's pics

Bil Herd examines an early C128
Raymond Day's video
Chris537's video
Gokku9000's video
Three videos from aphexteknol: Main Hall, Elk Room and Lobby Party

VCFMW/ECCC10 (2015)
Jason Petersen's G+ Gallery
Kyle Owen's pics
Ralph's pics
ShadowM's pics
Goog/PDXCUG's pics
Vikram Shah's pics
Chris537's pics
A shot of Pete Bartlett's table and the MISE in action
CommodoreZ's pics

Craig Ernster's video of the first song from Al and Robin's set
8 minutes of video from Chris537
Another video from Chris537

-Presentation Materials-
Schema's slides from his presentation
ShadowM's slides from his presentation

VCFMW/ECCC9 (2014)
Jason Petersen's G+ Gallery
BHZ's pics
Dave Ruske's pics
Bill Rowe's Facebook gallery
Chris 537's video
Silent700's pics
Herb Johnson's great write-up
COSMAC ELF Yahoo group gallery (membership required)
Josh Bensadon's gallery
ShadowM's pics
Trixter's pics
Video: ShadowM on Commodore 64 PROMAL
Video: Jim Brain on developing a new universal 64/128 PSU
Video: Jim Brain on the MOS 6500/1 Pt. 1
Video: Jim Brain on the MOS 6500/1 Pt. 2
FoE ECCC 2014 Demo
Unoffical ECCC 2014 Scrolltext Demo
Nico Clone's ECCC 2014 Demo

VCFMW/ECCC8 (2013)
ShadowM's pics
BHZ's pics
slandon's pics
Frankencelery's pics
Silent700's pics
Bill Degnan's pics
Trixter's pics
UStream videos of VCFMW talks
Sloopy's video of the lobby Friday night
Schema's slides from his presentations
Trixter's post on his PC Jr. talk

VCFMW/ECCC7 (2012)
Silent700's pics
ShadowM's pics

VCFMW/ECCC6 (2011)
Silent700's pics
ShadowM's pics

VCFMW/ECCC5 (2010)
Silent700's Flickr Gallery
ShadowM's ECCC Gallery
Trixter's nicely annotated gallery.
Bill Degnen's Gallery
Bill Degnen's other gallery
Patrick Finnegan's Gallery
The Glenside Computer Club (CoCo) made a great video
Christian Liendo makes a blog post
John Buell's excellent Atari 8-bit display
Bryce Wilson's ECCC Gallery

There was no VCFMW in 2009

ECCC 2009
Glenn Holmer's gallery
Mark Seelye's gallery
Snogpitch's gallery
Silent700's gallery
Video of collaborative PET Rickroll

VCFMW4 (2008)
Silent700's VCF Midwest 4.0 gallery
Mike Lee's VCF Midwest 4.0 gallery

ECCC 2008
Glenn Holmer's gallery
Mark Seelye's gallery
Adrian Gonzalez's gallery
Dustin Chambers' gallery
Silent700's gallery

VCFMW3 (2007)
Silent700's VCF Midwest 3.0 gallery
DB's VCF Midwest 3.0 gallery
Mike Lee's VCFMW 3 gallery

ECCC 2007
Glenn Holmer's gallery
Mark Seelye's gallery
Robin Harbron's gallery
Adrian Gonzalez's gallery

VCFMW2 (2006)
Mike Lee's VCF Midwest 2.0 gallery

ECCC 2006
Glenn Holmer's gallery
Rob O'Hara's report
Rob O'Hara's gallery
David Murray's video
Adrian Gonzalez's gallery
Mark Seelye's gallery
Robert Bernardo's gallery

VCFMW1 (2005)
Mike Lee's VCF Midwest 1.0 gallery

Last update: 08/31/2021
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