Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 16
Friends and Sponsors

Vintage Computing
  • The original Vintage Computer Festival, where it all started.
  • Chicago Classic Computing, organizers of the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest
  • The Vintage Computing Federation, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization existing for and led by computer history hobbyists.
  • The Floppy Days Podcast

    Clubs and Events
  • Chicago Southland Maker Faire
  • Maker Faire Milwaukee
  • SCAT - Suburban Chicago ATarians
  • Chicago Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group
  • Glenside Color Computer Club (Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer)
  • SWRAP - Chicago's Commodore Group Since 1983
  • Chicago TI-99/4A Users Group

  • Retro Innovations, makers of the famous ZoomFloppy and many other microcomputer enhancements
  • Macnician - a real live store selling and servicing vintage and modern Apple hardware
  • Bonus Life Computers - Vintage computer restoration, service and sales, specializing in 8-bit micros
  • L&L Graphic Solutions, supplier of VCFMW T-Shirts since 2014!

    Last update: 05/20/2021
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