VCFMW e-Business Console


Sponsorship is a new concept for us at VCF Midwest. Maybe you have some ideas on how we can work with you or your business to promote each other?

Your name and logo on our signs, programs and website? A premium sales table spot at the show?

Tell us your ideas!
Donate-o-Meter: 0% ᚑᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖ ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ 100%
PF1=Main Page PF2=Hotel Info PF3=Donate! PF4=Exhibits PF5=Talks PF6=Tables
PF7=Past Events PF8=NOTHING PF9=Sponsors PF10=ALSO NOTHING PF11=FAQ PF12=Friends
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