VCFMW e-Business Console

VCF Midwest has always been a free show. Free admission, free tables, free-form. Initially sponsored personally by the organizers, we moved to a donation model in 2015 for VCFMW 10. Since then we've maintained this tradtion primarily through donations from the vintage computing community. As in 2015, this year marks another major increment in venue size. Growth is good! But with growth comes growing costs to put on the show. Here's how you can help:

Donate directly via PayPal or GoFundMe

Bitcoin: 1BEtAr4oJXkD1EJMZUEn1cZELz1sKjZHUQ

Participate in our exciting and entertaining fundraising auction, Saturday at 4PM!

Or visit the donation box when you're at the show. You'll find it near the T-shirts!
Donate-o-Meter: 0% ᚑᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖᚖ ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ    ᚑ 100%
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