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VINTAGE COMPUTER FESTIVAL MIDWEST 10 August 29-30, 2015, Elk Grove Village, IL

Past Events

VCF Midwest 10 was an outstanding success! Please check out the "Past" link to your left where we will be posting picture galleries, videos and presentation materials as we receive then. A big thank you to everyone who contributed, volunteered and otherwise made this show happen. See you next year!

- + OLD VCFMW10 TEXT + -

The tenth edition of VCF Midwest will take place this fall west of Chicago in Elk Grove Village, IL! Join us in conjunction with Fall Commodore Expo/ECCC as we once again coax vintage electrons into motion! (Visit ECCC's Facebook page here.)

In addition to exhibitions of eclectic electronica, we will feature speakers, vendors and more! Admission is FREE to all whether you come to show, look, build, talk or sell.

Date and Time: August 29 and 30, 2015. The show will run from 8:00 AM on Saturday on into the night, coming to a temporary close at 11:00 PM and reopening at 10:00 AM Sunday morning. We'll wrap up by 4:00 PM. Early setup will be 5-7pm Friday evening, followed by a dinner break, after which the exhibition area will re-open for late-comers until 11pm and then be locked until the show opens on Saturday morning.

Location: Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village, 1000 Busse Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (click link for special VCF room rate of $84/night, group code CCC)

Facebook event and Twitter page for VCFMW 10

Donations: Due to circmstances beyond our control, for the first time in our ten years, we have moved locations. This move represents a significant upgrade in space and facilities but does not come without a price. Therefore we are no longer able to sponsor the show solely ourselves. Your donation is greatly appreciated and will help guarantee the success of this year's show and those in the future.

$0 [*--------------------------------------------------] $2000

If you would not like to use PayPal, we have a GoFundMe page that does not require registration. Or email the address below to make other arrangements, such as a cash donation on the day of the show.


Contact silent700 at [google's mail service] for more information. To request a table reservation or to offer a presentation, please use our convenient form.

Brought to you in part by Chicago Classic Computing

Last update: 09/07/2015