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VINTAGE COMPUTER FESTIVAL MIDWEST 9.0 September 13-14, 2014, Lombard, IL

Past Events



The following are some of the exhibits that will be presented at VCF Midwest 9.0:

  • RCA COSMAC 1802 Microprocessor. Famously known as the heart of the August 1976 Popular Electronics Microcomputer project article THE COSMAC 'ELF'. Also used in the Galileo Spacecraft, however, those samples are lost in space. Exhibit by Dave Ruske, Herb Johnson, Lee Hart and Josh Bensadon (the newbie.)

  • Bob Applegate/Corsham Technologies: Rare Franklin Computer systems, expanded KIM-1 and SWTPC related items

  • Randy Kindig and the Floppy Days Podcast

  • "Atari Island" featuring SCAT

  • Jason Timmons presents his Sun-1

  • Julian Wolfe's PDP 11/34

  • Trixter's 8088 Domination demo

  • InfoCom games on a Tandy word processor! CP/M on a credit card reader!

  • Dan Kramer and the amazing PUMA robot arm (come help him fix it.)