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Updates: Early setup is complete. Dinner is over. See you at 8am!
| Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 6.0 * September 24-25, 2011, Lombard, IL |
Exhibits    <--
Past Events 
If you would like to show something at VCFMW6, please let us know.
Note: All exhibits will be listed below unless you request otherwise!

Proposed Exhibit (please also note your approximate table requirements. Most tables are 5'x2'):

Some of our planned exhibits and demos:

  • Glenside Computer Club - The Radio Shack Color Computer
  • Bob Swoger - Complete TIMEX Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer
  • Glenn Holmer - a Macintosh SE running TCP/IP and other network tricks
  • Dan Werner - N8VEM Homebrew Demo: Z80, Z180, 6502, 6809, 6802 & 80188 platforms
  • Suburban Chicago ATarians: 8-bit and 16/32-bit Atari computers
  • John Buell - Atari 8-bit
  • James Mazurek & SWRAP - 25th Anniversary of GEOS: An early GUI on a Collection of 8-Bit Computers
  • Bill Degnan - The VIM-1 or TI-9900 SBC
  • Bill Madden - 1964 IBM "Model A" Acoustically Coupled Modem
  • Eric Kudzin - Solid State SCSI disk drives