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Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 5.0

  • Join the VCF-MW Facebook group!
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Join us on IRC at freenode #vcfmw

    VCF Midwest 5.0 was a success! Here are some links to pics and videos. If you post your own, please send us a link and we'll post it!

    Silent700's Flickr Gallery
    ShadowM's ECCC Gallery
    Trixter's nicely annotated gallery.
    Bill Degnen's Gallery
    Bill Degnen's other gallery
    Patrick Finnegan's Gallery
    The Glenside Computer Club (CoCo) made a great video
    Christian Liendo makes a blog post
    John Buell's excellent Atari 8-bit display
    Bryce Wilson's ECCC Gallery

    Past Events

    ChiClassicComp's VCF Midwest 4.0 gallery

    ChiClassicComp's VCF Midwest 3.0 gallery

    Lots of ECCC galleries (bottom of page)

    Back to the ChiClassicComp page.

    Last update: 09/20/10 14:05